Oasis in the Overwhelm 28 Day Guide

Rewire Your Brain from Chaos to Calm

by Millie Grenough with Jill Berquist & Virginia Kravitz
Learn how to rewire your own brain from chaos to calm in just 28 days. The Guide provides you with day-by-day tips to strengthen your intention, master the Oasis 60-second Strategies, and incorporate them into daily life.



Don’t have time to do anything else?
Give yourself an Oasis.
The Oasis Strategies are a Jumpstart Sanity Kit for fast-movers.

They’re easy to learn.
They honestly do take only 60 seconds each.
They’re a fast track to re-wiring your brain from chaos to calm.

The Oasis Guide will show you how to take a few minutes each day to make the Strategies an easy and effective part of your life. The Guide will help you create

the intention,
the time, and
the space to really integrate these strategies into your life.

In the short space of 28 days, replace old “stuck” habits with enjoyable, powerful new grooves. Feel the difference in your health and happiness quotient.

WHY WAIT? Give yourself an Oasis now.