When’s the last time…?
On this hot summer day I am savoring pleasures I had as a kid on 42nd Street in Louisville, KY.
We did all kinds of things that moved our bodies and activated our brains. And nobody had to plug us in or drive us anywhere. We just did it.
Here are some of my favorites:
Play Rock Teacher on the front steps
Chalk Hopscotch on the drive
“Mother, may I?” on the sidewalk
Kick the Can in the street
Hide & Go Seek till it got dark
Sprinkle each other, or just Stand in the Rain and get soaked
My all-time favorite? After a heavy rain – Popsicle-Stick Race down the street gutter: Whose stick will get to the corner sewer first?
When’s the last time you did something simple – outside – and free – to celebrate being alive?
The Morning Email
Wake up to the day’s most important news.
The photo is of me and my friend Wendy Battles sprinkling each other – as grown-ups – in my backyard in New Haven. Never too late to enjoy simple pleasures!
Here’s a quick Oasis Sanity Tip for you:
Take a few minutes now to get nostalgic. Ask yourself:
What were two of my favorite outside free activities?
Who were my real-life buddies before social-media electronics took over?
Savor the memories.
Now, take action:
What is one free outside activity I can do today?
What is a favorite game that I can teach to someone under 12?
With whom? Exactly when?
If you are eager to bring even more peace and pleasure to yourself and others, I invite you to try some Oasis in the Overwhelm 60-second Strategies. You may even want to become an Authorized Oasis Trainer – a powerful way to make yourself and our world happier and healthier. Want to do the Training en español? ¡Contáctanos!
I send you refreshing breezes on this Summer day, Millie.