
Can You Really Change Your Life in 60 Seconds?

Twenty-five coaches from the New England Chapter of International Coach Federation played around with doing that last Monday at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough, MA.
As they dove into the 60-second Strategies, skepticism melted into belief: “The 4-D put my mind and body into an entirely different place.” …“I felt my whole attitude shift when I did the Cue-2-Do.”… They got it. They also got that to really make it change their life, it’s about doing it, practicing it, helping form new habits, establishing fresh life grooves.

I enjoyed their questions: “Which of these strategies work best for a corporate client?”… “How would you introduce 1 Stone to a busy executive?” My examples helped: the VP engineer who used the 3-Breath-Countdown to tame his road rage and his anger control with staff; the CEO, who had already suffered two heart attacks, who began to carry his stone in his pocket to remind him to Chill with Mil. Just doing it makes the difference.

Enormous thanks to Stefanie Marisca, Anne Jolles, Brianne Krupshaw, Karen O’Donnell and all the other ICFNE coaches for their warm reception. I look forward to offering an Oasis Training in Massachusetts in the Autumn. Meantime, I send all of you strong vibes for continuing to do it.